Hello! Happy holidays! How have you been? I hope you had a great Christmas, quite cold but a hot meal to comfort always work any tired body or a frozen hands not wanting to draw, draw and DRAW!!
Today I come to give some advice to those who bought their first "Tablet" or digital tablet, but before I will discuss my experience with digital media, not everything is always a garden of roses, you'll see what I mean.
To start I'll tell you, before I start drawing comics my tablet was powdered in a corner of my room, I did not use it since I bought it and came to release it six months after it was acquired, well, not had much respect to digital at first, but when I started drawing comics and this, I began to see an occasional video of "speedpainting" on YouTube and said, "Damn, I want to do that thing too!" I just took out the tablet of the box, connect the cable, I opened Photoshop as a freaking genius, I looked for the tablet pen and I decided to make an image, do not expect ... was not a simple image, but it would be... The best-super-mega-ultra-hyper-image Fourfold-INCREDIBLE! IMAGE EVER! The result was as follows:
Well, OK, I exaggerated, it was not that bad, but it was pretty bad, in fact it was enough to make me want to vomit, and tell myself "I should not buy this filth, after I have taken a look of the face, now I want to get the one with the horrible things that this thing does" Well, today is the day that the tablet I wanted: give, sell, break, throw, throw, massacre, destroy and burn, is being right next to me while I do the "cartoons" to bring the article.
I tell you, I was in search of a tutorial to teach me how to "properly handle the tablet" The result was a straw ball rolling on the desert "Fiuuuuuu ...", and I think two rocks and a cactus were there too, but do not worry I will tell you some exercises that will be useful to your process. Let's do this!
You fall into account in this first, you've bought a digital tablet and if you're here is because you realize that is not the same drawing with a pencil in your sketchbook to do it using your tablet in drawing software like SAI, Autodesk Sketchbook Pro, Photoshop, Gimp, or whatever you're using to draw... Many people says that drawing with the tablet is like "learning to draw again" I put it in another way, as "learning to draw digitally".
If you wanted to buy a tablet is usually because you wanted to do artworks like some other artists you admire, seek for those art pieces, if they have videos of the process that makes it real better, so you can look out how your favourite artist or how the kind of illustrations you want to do are done. One of the easiest ways to learn to use this wonder is to know the techniques and other experts use in their videos.
Do you have an very nice and solid line in your pencil work but on the tablet you want to draw a line and suddenly you have become a gauge of seismic waves? I recommend you to draw over some drawings and not yours as practice mode and make you noticed in the lines correctly, than trying to "create" and "make good lines" simultaneously. Alleviate the burden and you concentrate more on just improving your line on the tablet.
This is one of the tips is the one that helped me most, not only with the tablet, also improved significantly my pencil lines. Open a new blank document in your favourite drawing program, now take the tablet pen on one end and not support any part of the hand on the tablet surface, try to draw straight lines, vertical, horizontal and diagonal in the sheet, as close as possible without sticking to the one before. The aim of this is to improve your hand pulse significantly, it is also a good warm-up before a drawing session. I recommend seeing the example:
As in the previous exercise instead of making straight lines we now turn to make curves, but I have here a simple trick to dominate the line and probably will make this part more complicated than the previous one, but with patience and perseverance you can achieve this one too.
1) Try to make a circle as fast as you can, fill the sheet with circles and proceed to exercise number 2.
2) Now take your time to make the circle, the point is that the circle is now closed, do not repeat the line, and above that is a single line, with no hair lines or anything like that, just a clear and single line.
3) Do the same as in exercise 2, but now from your starting point gradually intensifying see the thickness of the line. Make the starting circle to the right and then to the left, either way you will master more skills to control your stroke later.
4) Make the same as in the previous exercise this time you will decrease the intensity of the line you're drawing to the point where you started. Also from the right and then the left.
Well, that's all, I hope this article has served you, and with this you will have a basis on how to practice with your new tablet or the one you want to buy, I recommend lots and lots of patience, is not a day or two, do not despair you're going to go far if you go to your rhythms and climb step by step.
Remember you can follow this tutorial and these other through social networks Facebook and Twitter, always be attentive to respond to your questions or suggestions, have a Happy New Year and a prosperous new year. See you another time!
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