Sketch power!

The sketch is a really important process in drawing, painting or creating something, in my experience as an artist I can say that the sketch is part of the process in any artwork that matters most. Why?

The sketch is the part that gives the composition, character, even your own identity to the artwork you're doing as well as give you the ability to view and correct any errors in your piece. Beyond the reasons for its importance is also there's something I call "The power of the sketch" or "Sketch power". Among an artist is more developed in their ability to get out of his mind a basic sketch will have more ease of making parts with its own identity.

Finding sketch development is mostly a capability that is developing and identifying in each work that you made through your artistic career. For example, there are people that make a persons with models, drawing dolls and others tools, it's not bad, there are people who always starts to draw people with little circles and geometric shapes, the two are different ways to raise an illustration, but, does that really affects the future of illustration? My answer is yes, since basic guiding these lines in our brain in a way we can identify what we wanted to do at first can be a really useful base for achieving what we wanted in our minds.

It is difficult to take a sketch from another person and perform this work under their own concepts, our brain will feel quite uncomfortable and simply will create a barrier between you and the paper. If you are learning to draw I recommend you to force yourself and try to capture objects and bodies in your own way to draw, try to make simple lines, do not complicate, the drawing must be progressive, stylish and not something exact, is not mathematics.

For best results with "the power of the sketch" I'll give these simple tips:

1. Try to draw anything you have to look at and thus adapts to your own thought, have you tried creating a great sword from a RPG just seeing a knife in your kitchen? Have you tried to create a powerful gun just seeing a toilet paper tube?

2. Like fantasy? Have you tried watching people differently? Have not you tried to turn your best friend into a dwarf or a troll or an elf? You can guide you and illustrations of various creatures that have made others to create your own.

3. Once you take notice that something you liked or made you work simpler to make something you already have in mind should have it in mind for next time. For example: I do better when I draw the heads first as a circle and identify the position of the eyes from two cross-shaped lines.

4. Are you a retailer or just like the simplicity of the drawings? You can go for either of these two ways, but can give you the opportunity to explore the other side of your style, it will give you more clues to identify what you like and what's the hardest part to work on.

5. Draw, draw and draw, never stop drawing when you have time to do it.

I hope I have served my advice and my Blog post, soon I will be writing a new one, so be aware of my page on Facebook for an upcoming entry!

And tell me, do you like to be quite retailer or like to be a little easier when drawing?

This entry was posted on 10 December 2012 and is filed under ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

2 Responses to “Sketch power!”

  1. ¡Me ha encantado este post! ^^ Sin duda es una buena manera de plantearte tu forma de enfocar tu estilo hacia lo que te gusta.
    Y tienes mucha razón con lo de los bocetos. Intentar dibujar algo complicado de la nada es imposible a no ser que seas muy bueno. xD Yo cuando lo intentaba me frustraba porque no me salía como quería hasta que me acostumbré a empezar con bocetos simples.
    Yo, por ejemplo, soy muy detallista, pero no soy muy bueno dibujando todavía, así que hago lo que considero necesario hasta que mejore suficiente. A veces decido añadir una línea por aquí y digo "¡Anda, queda mejor!" y así voy aprendiendo poco a poco.

  2. Me hace muy feliz que te haya gustado mi articulo, es bastante cierto lo que comentas, a muchos casos se ha aplicado la experimentación y de eso siempre saldrán buenos resultados. Conforme uno añada una linea, quite otra o simplemente decida "dejar hasta ahí" ya está tomando en cuenta un pensamiento que te guiará a un estilo propio.

    Siempre es bueno basarse en referencias, y de todas esas referencias podemos hacer una mezcla y crear nuestras propias cosas con nuestras propias lineas. Como todo es un proceso y ¡me fascina que te animes a aprender de ti mismo¡

    Un saludo! :)
