Never give up!

Many of us have drawn pages and pages of our comics and still ask "Where I'm going with this?" And there's usually no response, so and many people have stopped and we are still inking our dreams.

For many if us the situation of comics/manga is quite complicated, because in the places we live is quite difficult to find someone to finance our comics or just someone to buy it because our culture is quite hangout in the 9th art. Many see the comics as childish, which is for children and should be in most cases a humorous theme and nothing else.

There's a moment in life when you want to organize your life, find a job or study a career, for someone like us it would be something like: ​​"I want to draw comics for the rest of my life". We tend to stray from reality, but that we tend to neglect the cruel reality when we have a great result when you draw something cool, and blame everyone and everything when something goes disastrous. The reality is this: you can create your own destiny regardless of the external situation to which you're linked.

I saw through the little time I've spent on this, people doing incredible things or they manage somehow to get known or just sell one or two copies of their work. Many have relied on his comic put advertising to finance their project, others have tried to achieve foreign publishers and publishing a short story to begin, others have saved money to publish a small number of issues and today is the day that reached to sell over 2500 copies at the local fair.

Are you good at what you do? If the answer is yes, now ask yourself this: It makes you happy? If the answer is also yes, I will say this to you my friend, never let your dreams die because if you keep chasing your goals you will be rewarded in some way. When I started this I was not expecting too much, I had the world against me, had few skills and did not know people who wanted to do comics or manga, however over time I have been rewarded with simple things, but each one of those means a lot to me.

Now look at the other side of the coin, you're good at what you do but it is nevertheless something that makes you happy, I recommend you to try harder, I am of those who do not believe in this "natural talent" I rather to believe that there are people who have grown up and been influenced differently to achieve their own style in less time than other people. The effort and the joy of striving for what you do always brings rewards, your duty is to know and value them echo on them for your next victory.

People will always be lucky, and those who were not born with the gift of luck we have almost an obligation to make our way through life to find that opportunity or just struggle to create it and get to where we are going tomorrow. World is difficult but not impossible, we like to draw or write, love it as a challenge, this is one more challenge that you have to beat!

I hope you have been useful for my article, I would like to know your experiences in this field, I am always open to talking and meeting you. For more updates, articles and images can subscribe to my page on Facebook to stay tuned. Greetings! Arr!

This entry was posted on 10 December 2012 and is filed under ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.

3 Responses to “Never give up!”

  1. Hola , me gusto mucho tu entrada. sencilla pero realista. La verdad es que dibujar comics a la vez motiva pero a la vez desmotiva. Para publicar comics hay que esforzarse mucho y realizar sacrificios que la mayoría de las personas normales no haría. Es díficil por lo económico. Muchos lo dejan por eso. Hay que invertir bastante tiempo.

    Me parece excelente que hayas conocido a alguien que haya vendido 2500 ejemplares. en qué país sucedio? o.o quién fue el autor?

    1. ¡Hola!
      Me alegra que te haya gustado mi entrada, de hecho el esfuerzo de cada día es una de las penurias para muchas personas que quieren dedicarse a esto, el factor económico es determinante, muchos trabajan en jornadas de 8 o más horas y llegan a la casa muy cansados como para ponerse a dibujar. Es completamente entendible.

      De hecho he conocido a varios, Ave negra 9no arte, A los chicos de 7G cómics con Zambo Dendé y otros que van para ese número proximamente... Es en Colombia, la industria del cómic está revolucionandose acá, ya hasta el gobierno reconoce al cómic como un elemento cultural y de opinión. También incluyeron a la historieta en la ley del libro (somos excentos de impuestos). Esto ha sido una gran noticia para nosotros los autores de cómic en Colombia.

    2. Oh veo no tenía idea. Aca en Panamá estamos bien pobres con ese tema...
